Oh come on, for real nobody even bothered to check whether what that Youtube video says is true? Really?
Read carefully the "2015 CHECKLIST FOR AUDIT OF FILE" document posted above. As you can clearly see, the elders are NOT instructed to destroy child molestation case files, nor any stored judicial records. The instruction is to destroy elder's personal notes and records from elder meetings and notes about particular individuals (excluding child molestation cases and JC records). And in case of child molestation and other stored judicial records - to make sure these records are in harmony with other instructions contained in BOE Letters and the elders handbook. And these documents CLEARLY say those records should be kept on file indefinitely. They even go out and say that the elders should keep them in a separate envelope marked "DO NOT DESTROY".
I really would like to punch the guy in that Youtube video in the face, because he is spreading false information. PLEASE, check your sources guys, don't follow blindly what some people say on Youtube. We have so many incriminating evidence about WTS that we don't need to fabricate it. And when one does try to fabricate evidence, it will be uncovered by JWs and fortify their belief that apostates only want to deceive them. I only say that because that was what happened to me years ago - I stumbled upon an "apostate" website that had outright lies presented on it, and my "faith" only got stronger from that experience. It was only after several years I was given the opportunity to wake up again, and fortunately this time I did.